Toggle the visibility of divs using jQuery for easy filtering

I am looking to enhance my filtering system by allowing users to apply and view multiple filters simultaneously. For example, I want to be able to select 'High' and 'pizza' filters and see the results that match both criteria. Currently, the system only allows for switching between filters and displaying results based on the single filter selected.

<div class="nav">
<a href="#" data-category-type="high">high</a>

<a href="#" data-category-type="low" data-category-name="air">low</a>

<a href="#" data-category-name="pizza">pizza</a>

<div id="Categories">
    <div class="hide" data-category-type="high" data-category-  name="pizza">high</div>
    <div class="hide" data-category-type="low" data-category-name="pasta">low</div>
    <div class="hide" data-category-type="low" data-category-name="pizza">low</div>
    <div class="hide" data-category-type="high" data-category-name="pasta">high</div>

$('.nav a').on('click', function (e) {
var cat = $(this).data('categoryType');
var nam = $(this).data('categoryName');
$('#Categories > div').hide();
$('#Categories > div[data-category-type="'+cat+'"]').show();
$('#Categories > div[data-category-name="'+nam+'"]').show();


Answer №1

Your approach needs tweaking. Using $(this) won't fetch both the category and name at once.

When using the click function, $(this) only refers to the clicked element. In your scenario, the same element may not contain information for both the category and name.

Therefore, you should either update your HTML to include both data attributes in all anchor tags or adjust your function to fetch the category and name from a reliable source.

I'll provide a sample to clarify further.

This is an example with updated HTML where anchors have both data attributes:

<a href="#" data-category-type="high"  data-category-name="pizza">High and pizza</a>

Here's another example with updated javascript:

I hope you find these solutions helpful!

Answer №2

To keep track of which buttons you have selected, it is important to set up an on and off state for them. You can achieve this by adding a click event that toggles the 'selected' class on and off like so:

if ($this.hasClass('selected')) {
} else {

After implementing this logic, you can loop through the links to display the selected ones.

I have made the necessary adjustments in your fiddle:

Answer №3

When dealing with multiple filters, you can switch a class every time you click on a link. Keep in mind that this method works best with buttons rather than links, but for the sake of matching your HTML, we will use links.

$('.nav a').on('click', function (e) {
  $('#Categories > div').hide();

  $('.active').each(function() {
    var cat= $(this).data('categoryType');
    var nam= $(this).data('categoryName');
    $('#Categories > div[data-category-type="'+cat+'"]').show();
    $('#Categories > div[data-category-name="'+nam+'"]').show();

This snippet of code toggles the class named active and goes through each selected item's categoryType and categoryName to decide what should be included in the filter.


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