Conceal the block quotes while substituting with a newline

My HTML page contains numerous comments enclosed in blockquotes.

I attempted to implement a feature that allows users to hide all the comments with just one click by using the following JavaScript code:

const blockQuotes = document.getElementsByTagName('blockquote'); for (let i = 0; i < blockQuotes.length; i++) { blockQuotes[i].style.display = 'none'; }

The functionality works as expected, but now I am facing an issue where the blockquote elements were acting as newlines. Consequently, when I hide the blockquote elements, there are no longer any newlines present.

Is there a way to hide the blockquotes and replace them with a newline? It is important that this action does not involve deleting the text within the blockquotes, as it needs to serve as a toggle for showing or hiding comments.

Answer №1

By applying the CSS property display: none, the element will no longer affect the layout of the page, essentially making it invisible without removing it completely from the document. To still have it take up space or cause some effect, an alternative method of content hiding must be utilized, such as introducing a line break.

An easy solution would involve clearing the content within a blockquote element and eliminating its default margins, resulting in an empty block that only implies a line break but occupies minimal space. To make this process reversible, it is necessary to store the original content. Here is an example:

var array = document.getElementsByTagName('blockquote');
for(var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { 
   array[i].savedContent = array[i].innerHTML;
   array[i].innerHTML = '';
   array[i].style.margin = 0;

Subsequently, when restoring the content of the blockquote elements, reverse the actions by retrieving the saved content from savedContent and setting back the top and bottom margins. For consistency, it is advisable to assign fixed values to these margins so they can easily be reverted to.

Although using a property name like savedContent should be relatively safe in avoiding clashes with existing properties, for added precaution, consider utilizing a name like data-content instead, accessed through bracketed notation rather than dot notation - for instance, array[i]['data-content'].

Answer №2

Here's an idea for achieving the desired effect:

<br class="b"><blockquote>
Some commentary goes here
</blockquote><br class="b">

You can then toggle the visibility of elements with class "b". So, when the blockquote is set to display:block, class "b" will be hidden (display:none). Conversely, if the blockquote is set to display:none, class "b" will be shown (display:inline).

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