Toggle the visibility of an element using the onClick() method

I have a unique way of displaying articles on my webpage. Each article is hidden and positioned at the top of the page within different divs, each with a distinct ID. My goal is to allow users to click on a list item and have the corresponding article appear visible on the page. When a new list item is clicked, the previously visible article disappears and the new one appears in its place.

Check out the HTML structure below:

<div class="articlelist">
            <li style="display:block;" onclick="document.getElementByClass('fullarticle').style.visibility='hidden'" onclick="document.getElementById('article1').style.visibility='visible'">ARTICLE 1</li>
            <li style="display:block;" onclick="document.getElementByClass('fullarticle').style.visibility='hidden'" onclick="document.getElementById('article2').style.visibility='visible'">ARTICLE 2</li>
            <li style="display:block;" onclick="document.getElementByClass('fullarticle').style.visibility='hidden'" onclick="document.getElementById('article3').style.visibility='visible'">ARTICLE 3</li>
            <li style="display:block;" onclick="document.getElementByClass('fullarticle').style.visibility='hidden'" onclick="document.getElementById('article4').style.visibility='visible'">ARTICLE 4</li>
    <div class="fullarticle" id="article1">
        <h1>ARTICLE 1</h1>
    <div class="fullarticle" id="article2">
        <h1>ARTICLE 2</h1>
    <div class="fullarticle" id="article3">
        <h1>ARTICLE 3</h1>
    <div class="fullarticle" id="article4">
        <h1>ARTICLE 4</h1>

To style these elements, refer to this CSS snippet:

.fullarticle {
  width: 61%;
  margin-right: 2%;
  float: left;
  position: absolute; top: 80px; left: 37%;
  visibility: hidden;

.articlelist {
  float: left;
  width: 37%;

Answer №1

within the header:

var toggleVisibility = function(item) {
    } else {'visible';

and then modify the onclicks (if you prefer to use them) to

where postID is the ID of one of the post sections

HOWEVER concealing and revealing content using visibility will cause the lower elements to remain hidden underneath their invisible counterparts, so utilize display with none and block instead

var toggleVisibility = function(item) {
    } else {'block';

This approach may be slightly more intricate, but eliminates the need to include the extensive jQuery library for such a minor task

Answer №2

For those utilizing jQuery, here is a method you can implement:

$('.articlelist ul li').click(function() {
    var i = $(this).index();
    $('#article' + (i+1)).show();

Check out the Updated Fiddle for demonstration.

Answer №3

If you are using jQuery:

<div class="posts">
<div class="postlist">
        <li style="display:block;" onclick="togglePosts('post1')">POST 1</li>
        <li style="display:block;" onclick="togglePosts('post2')">POST 2</li>
        <li style="display:block;" onclick="togglePosts('post3')">POST 3</li>
        <li style="display:block;" onclick="togglePosts('post4')">POST 4</li>
<div class="fullpost" id="post1">
    <h1>POST 1</h1>
<div class="fullpost" id="post2">
    <h1>POST 2</h1>
<div class="fullpost" id="post3">
    <h1>POST 3</h1>
<div class="fullpost" id="post4">
    <h1>POST 4</h1>

function togglePosts(postID) {
    $('#posts .fullPost').hide(); // this hides all currently open posts (if any);
    $('#posts #' + postID).show(); // show post
$('#posts .fullPost').hide();

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