Toggle the visibility of a div using JavaScript depending on the data value

I have a collection of images displayed in div tags with data attributes. My goal is to toggle their visibility using CSS based on a match with input text. I iterate through the divs with the matching class, then loop through the words in the input array, and finally, through the words in the data attribute field. The issue arises when the DOM seems to lose track of the outer index once a match is found between the inner array text values. Although the console correctly identifies the three loop index values, the JavaScript show command doesn't get executed. When I hard code the index value (0), the show command works as expected, but this approach seems overly convoluted.


          src="images/game thumb 216px-1.png"
          alt="Photo of hotline game"
          class="gallery__photo photo1"
        data-value="2 neon jungle"
          src="images/game thumb 216px-2.png"
          alt="Photo of neon jungle game"
          class="gallery__photo photo2"


        //building an object containing all gallery__item divs
        //let galleryitems = document.getElementsByClassName("gallery__item");
        //assigning search input words to a variable
        let myInputWords = $("#search").val();

        //creating an array of input words
        let myInputWordsArray = myInputWords.split(" ");

        //creating an array of gallery words
        let myGalleryItemsArray = [];
        for (let i = 0; i < galleryitems.length; i++) {
          //fetching the data-value attribute value
          let myAttributeValue = galleryitems[i].getAttribute("data-value");
          //adding it to the gallery item array

        //iterating through the input words array - outer loop
        //iterating through the gallery words array - inner loop
        let i, k, m = 0;
        //iterate through the input element words array
        for (i = 0; i < myInputWordsArray.length; i++) {
          //loop through gallery items array
          for ( k = 0; k < myGalleryItemsArray.length; k++) {
            //loop through each gallery item which may contain multiple words and create a new array
            let myGalleryItemArray = myGalleryItemsArray[k].split(" ");
              //iterating through each element in the gallery item array's words
              for ( m = 0; m < myGalleryItemArray.length; m++) {
              //if the outer input array word matches the inner data word, change the CSS display to block; else, set it to none
              if (myInputWordsArray[i] === myGalleryItemArray[m]) {
                 galleryitems[k].style.display = "block";
              } else {
                galleryitems[k].style.display = "none";

Answer №1

Upon discovering the correct word, your current gallery item will briefly appear before being hidden in the next iteration loop if the word is incorrect at that time.

To exit the current loop when the correct word is found, simply insert a break statement within the for loop. You can refer to a functional example here (

// Create an object containing all the gallery__item divs
let galleryitems = document.getElementsByClassName("gallery__item");

// Assign the search input words to a variable
let myInputWords = $("#search").val();

// Create an array of input words
let myInputWordsArray = myInputWords.split(" ");

// Create an array of gallery words
let myGalleryItemsArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < galleryitems.length; i++) {
    let myAttributeValue = galleryitems[i].getAttribute("data-value");

// Iterate through the input words array - outer loop
// Iterate through the gallery words array - inner loop
let i, k, m = 0;
for (i = 0; i < myInputWordsArray.length; i++) {
    for (k = 0; k < myGalleryItemsArray.length; k++) {
        let myGalleryItemArray = myGalleryItemsArray[k].split(" ");
        for (m = 0; m < myGalleryItemArray.length; m++) {
            if (myInputWordsArray[i] === myGalleryItemArray[m]) {
                galleryitems[k].style.display = "block";
                break; // End loop for this item when we found the correct word
            } else {
                galleryitems[k].style.display = "none";

You may want to consider using the find ES6 method on your array to streamline the process and avoid excessive looping.

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