Toggle JavaScript Query Display

Welcome to my HTML test website where I am testing show/hide JavaScript functionality.

Upon loading the page, you may notice that everything is hidden until a button is clicked.

                function toggle(target){

                var artz = document.getElementsByClassName('article');
                var targ = document.getElementById(target);  
                var isVis ='block';

                for(var i=0;i<artz.length;i++){
                 artz[i].style.display = 'none';

       = isVis?'none':'block';

                return false;
        <a href="#" onclick="toggle('about');">About Us</a>
        <a href="#" onclick="toggle('contact');">Contact</a>
        <a href="#" onclick="toggle('products');">Products</a>

        <div class="article" id="about" style="display:none;">ABOUT PAGE...</div>
        <div class="article" id="contact" style="display:none;">CONTACT PAGE...</div>
        <div class="article" id="products" style="display:none;">PRODUCTS PAGE...</div>

Answer №1

It seems like all your elements are currently hidden and the toggle-function is only triggered when clicked.

Try using this method instead:

window.onload = function(){
  toggle('about'); //or any other page you want to display by default

This code will execute when the page loads, automatically showing the specified content using the toggle-function.

Another option is to replace style="display:none;" with style="display:block;" in the HTML for the content that should be visible when the page loads.

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