Toggle display of menu using jQuery

My webpage has a layout where the content is on the left and the sidebar is on the right. When the screen width is less than or equal to 480px, the two divs are stacked one under the other at 100% widths. There's a "Show/Hide" button that appears to toggle the visibility of the sidebar when clicked. To achieve this, I'm using the code:

$(".sidebar .box").slideToggle(200);

You can see everything in action on this jsfiddle link.

The issue I'm facing is that when I switch from wide screen to narrow screen (width <= 480px) and click the button again, it causes a back and forth bug.

I'm trying to figure out where I've gone wrong. Any help would be appreciated!

Answer №1

It seems that the issue lies in this particular code snippet:

$("a.expander").click(function () {
    $(".sidebar .box").slideToggle(200);

Every time the showSidebar function is triggered, which happens whenever the window is resized, the above code gets executed. JQuery's click function actually adds a new event handler each time, leading to multiple executions of all handlers upon window resize.

To resolve this problem, the click handler registration should be moved outside of the function.

Answer №2

It seems like the issue you are facing is that the slide function is being triggered repeatedly when the window is resized. To prevent this from happening uncontrollably, consider using an event handler to manage it more effectively:

Try using .one():

$('#your_element_id').one("click", function () {     

Additionally, if you plan on initially displaying the element as hidden and then revealing it later, consider using .slideDown() instead of .slideToggle() at the outset.

For further information on the 'one' function in jQuery, refer to:

Answer №3

Is this the kind of solution you were looking for?

$(document).ready(function() {
     $("a.expander").click(function () {
        $(".sidebar .box").slideToggle(200);

function showSidebar() {   
    if ($(window).width() <= 480) {
        // Close sidebar when window width <= 480px
        $(".sidebar .box").removeClass('open');
        // Click expander button to show/hide sidebar

    } else {
        // Open sidebar when window width > 480px;
        $(".sidebar .box").addClass('open');


It is important that your click event is not called within the showSidebar() function to avoid binding the click event multiple times whenever the function is executed. The resize method can trigger showSidebar() multiple times, leading to multiple bindings of the click event. Additionally, it is recommended to use jQuery version 1.11 or higher for better compatibility, especially if support for IE<9 is required. If compatibility with IE<9 is not necessary, jQuery version 2.0 or higher can be used.

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