To change the font color to red when clicked, I must create a button using HTML, CSS, and Javascript

Currently, I am utilizing CodePen to assess my skills in creating a website. Specifically, I am focusing on the HTML component. My goal is to change the font color to blue for the phrase "Today is a beautiful sunny day!"

Here is the snippet of code that I have developed so far:

<!DOCTYPE html>
      h1  {color: red; } 
      #redText {color: red } 
     <title>your site</title> 
    <h1> Today's Weather Report</h1>
    <div class="redText">
    <p id="blueText"> Today is a beautiful sunny day!</p>
     <button type="button">Push</button> 
     function changeColor(newColor){var elem = document.getElementById('blueText'); = newColor;}
    <button onClick="changeColor(blue);">PUSH</button>

When looking at the current script I've written, it displays as follows:

Today's Weather Report (The font color should be red for this line and indeed it is.)

Today is a beautiful sunny day! (This sentence is expected to turn blue upon clicking the PUSH button, however, it remains black.)

At the bottom, you'll find a button labeled PUSH

Answer №1

avoid placing buttons within script tags :)

<!DOCTYPE html>
      h1  {color: red; } 
      #redText {color: red } 
     <title>your site</title> 
   <title>My Name Here</title> 
    <h1> Today's Weather Report</h1>
    <div class="redText">
    <p id="blueText"> Today is a beautiful sunny day!</p>
    <button onClick="changeColor('blue');">PUSH</button>

     function changeColor(newColor){
       var elem = document.getElementById('blueText'); = newColor;

Remember to enclose the color parameter in quotation marks since it's a string property!

Answer №2

To implement this change in the script, you need to take out the following code:

<button onClick="changeColor(blue);">PUSH</button>

Then, move the function call above into the html button tag.

      h1  {color: red; } 
      #redText {color: red } 
     <title>your site</title> 
   <title>My Name Here</title> 
    <h1> Today's Weather Report</h1>
    <div class="redText">
    <p id="blueText"> Today is a beautiful sunny day!</p>
     <button type="button" onClick="changeColor('blue')">Push</button> 
     function changeColor(newColor){
       var elem = document.getElementById('blueText'); = newColor;

Answer №3

It seems like the title is indicating a color change from blue to red, but there might be a missing word in there. Regardless, changing the text color can be easily accomplished in a few different ways as demonstrated below. Also, it looks like the DIV tag was not closed properly (<div class='redText'>), so I took it out of the snippet.

const clickhandler=function(e){
  let p=this.previousElementSibling;
  p.className=p.className=='blueText' ? 'redText' : 'blueText'
const togglehandler=function(e){

h1 { color:red } 
.redText { color:red!important; }
.blueText{ color:blue; }
<h1> Today's Weather Report</h1>

<p class="blueText"> Today is a beautiful sunny day!</p>
<button name='bttn-1' type="button">Push</button>

<p class="blueText">Today is also a beautiful hot and sunny day!</p>
<button name='bttn-2' type="button">Push-Toggle</button>

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