Tips to stop scrolling when clicking on a link in a Vue.js carousel

How can I prevent the page from scrolling when clicking on a link in a Vue.js carousel?

I've created a carousel card to mimic the ones found on Netflix's main page. It works fine on a single component but when I add multiple carousel components to a Vue app, clicking on any arrow causes the page to scroll and places the carousel at the top of the screen. After this unwanted scroll, the arrow functionality stops until I manually scroll the page back. I've tried various solutions from Stack Overflow, but they either don't work or cause the carousel to malfunction.

This issue seems to be related to


Is there a solution that will allow the carousel to function correctly without causing the page to scroll?

Answer №1

I'm curious about the scripts you're using to make this work. It seems like bootstrap is involved, but have you considered switching to bootstrap vue for better compatibility? If not, here are some suggestions to enhance the functionality without changing frameworks.

Currently, you're utilizing anchor tags with IDs like this:

<a href="#my-div">content</a>

Typically, clicking on these links in browsers scrolls to the corresponding div. To prevent this behavior, it's advisable to add `preventDefault()` to all click events on anchor tags. You can achieve this through Vue by implementing the following methods:

<a href="#my-div" @click.prevent>content</a> // automatically prevents click event
// or 
<a href="#my-div" @click="myFunction">content</a>
// or if you want custom functions while preventing default actions
<a href="#my-div" @click.prevent="otherFunction">content</a> // automatically prevents click event
export default {
...other stuff
methods: {
myFunction(e) {

Although it's possible to manually prevent these events without Vue, I recommend sticking to Vue's own `@click` event handler for consistency and ease of maintenance. However, if needed, you can manually prevent these events in the mounted hook as shown below:

export default {
mounted() {
const parent = document.getElementById("id-of-parent-div-that-has-all-anchor-tags") //this is done so you don't mess up anchor tags outside this div
parent.querySelectorAll("a").forEach((anchor) => {
anchor.onclick= (e) => e.preventDefault();




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