Tips on updating primeng Panel Menu appearance with scss

I'm looking to customize the color of my panel menu to black.

Below is the HTML code I am using.

<p-panelMenu styleClass="font-bold text-xs m-0 w-11" [model]="items" [multiple]='false'></p-panelMenu>

Answer №1

There exists a variety of solutions to address your issue

  1. One option is to set up PrimeNG with a dark theme. Details can be found here (Note: This will modify all components)

  2. You could also personalize the PrimeNG theme according to your preferences. Consult their documentation for guidance.

  3. An alternative method is to override the CSS using ::ng-deep.

    I have created an example on stackblitz

    View a screenshot of the code and PanelMenu

/* Styling for header appearances */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-header>a {
  background-color: lightblue;

/* Header changes when content expanded */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-header.p-highlight>a {
  background-color: red;

/* Hover effect on headers */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-header:not(.p-highlight):not(.p-disabled)>a:hover {
  background-color: blueviolet;

/* Hover effect on expanded headers */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-header.p-highlight:not(.p-disabled)>a:hover {
  background-color: yellow;

/* Styling for content that's expanded/toggled */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-content {
  background-color: aquamarine;

/* Border color around each header*/

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-header>a {
  border-color: chartreuse;

UPDATE: Enhanced text styling as requested in OP's other answer

/* Text appearance on header hover */

::ng-deep p-panelmenu .p-component.p-panelmenu-header.p-highlight>a {
  color: white;

/* Default text styling for headers */

::ng-deep p-panelmenu .p-component.p-panelmenu-header>a {
  color: red;

/* Icon color within expanded contents */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-content .p-menuitem .p-menuitem-link .p-panelmenu-icon {
  color: red;

/* Text icons next to content */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-content .p-menuitem .p-menuitem-link .p-menuitem-text {
  color: green;

/* Text color */

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu .p-panelmenu-content .p-menuitem .p-menuitem-link .p-menuitem-icon {
  color: blue;

Answer №2

When attempting to alter the Panel Menu's background color, I reached out to @FajitasMoose for assistance. However, modifying the font color in the list menu under Project Management proved to be challenging.

My current strategy involves implementing the following .scss code:

::ng-deep .p-panelmenu ul li:nth-child(1) {
    color: blue;

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