Tips on keeping the size of a react-bootstrap modal constant and enabling scrolling instead of expanding

<Modal size="lg" scrollable show={showInvModal} onHide={handleCloseInvModal}>
                <Modal.Header closeButton>
                    <Modal.Title>Check out our latest items!</Modal.Title>
                        title="Classic Leather Jacket"
                        title="Vintage Sunglasses"

                    <Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleCloseInvModal}>
                    <Button variant="primary" onClick={handleCloseInvModal}>
                        Add to Cart

I want to showcase more items in the same style as above, but I need it to be scrollable. Any suggestions on how I can achieve this?

Answer №1

It appears that the Modal component is already configured to be scrollable when its content overflows.

You can try adding a style to the Modal.Body element with a specific maxHeight value to prevent it from expanding further and instead make it scrollable.

For example:

<Modal size="lg" scrollable show={showInvModal} onHide={handleCloseInvModal}>
  <Modal.Header closeButton>
    <Modal.Title>Sell your items!</Modal.Title>
  {/* 👇 Define a custom max height style for Modal.Body */}
  <Modal.Body style={{ maxHeight: '650px' }}>
      title="The Last Egg of 2012"
      title="The Last Egg of 2012"
    <Button variant="secondary" onClick={handleCloseInvModal}>
    <Button variant="primary" onClick={handleCloseInvModal}>
      Save Changes

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