Tips on ensuring Material-UI Datatable adapts to varying window dimensions

I am facing an issue with the responsiveness of my MUIDatatables. The table is not adjusting properly to different window sizes. I specifically want each row in the table to be displayed on a single line and utilize horizontal scrolling.

I attempted to place the table inside a Material UI Grid component and Grid Component, but it doesn't seem to be working as expected. It's possible that I might not have configured it correctly.

This is where all my components are located

    <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
      <div className={classes.root}>
        <CssBaseline />
        <nav className={classes.drawer}>
          <Hidden xsDown implementation="js">
            <Navigator open={this.state.drawerOpen} PaperProps={{ style: { width: drawerWidth } }} />
        <div className={classes.appContent}>
          <Header onDrawerToggle={this.handleDrawerToggle} />
          <main className={classes.mainContent}>
                // Routes for different components

Table setup

    <Grid container direction='row'>
        <Grid item>
            <MUIDataTable data={data123} columns={columns123} options={options}/>

Answer №1

Here is the solution I came up with.

<div style={{display: 'table', tableLayout:'fixed', width:'100%'}}>

    <MuiThemeProvider theme={this.getMuiTheme()}>
        <MUIDataTable data={data123} columns={this.state.columns} options={options}/>


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