Tips on eliminating the excess whitespace remaining at the bottom of the webpage when using JavaScript parallax scrolling

I'm currently working on a project that involves using parallax effects for images and divs. However, I've noticed that there is some space left at the end of the parallax effect for unknown reasons. Could someone please assist me in removing this space at the bottom of the page? You can view the webpage here and see a screenshot here.

Answer №1

Is the issue you're mentioning related to the extra space on the x-axis (specifically on the right side)?

If you adjust width: 100vw to width: 100% on the body element, it should solve the problem.

Alternatively, you can also add max-width: 100% as a solution. However, in this particular case, using width: 100% should suffice since the body element will never be contained within a smaller parent element.

The issue arises due to the v-scrollbar when attempting to use 100vw. The calculation for width[%] considers the scrollbar, while width[vm] does not.

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