Tips on disregarding events within an html table

I have a see-through table with a width set to 100% that houses various HTML content. I am utilizing the table to properly center a particular element on the screen.

However, the table is intercepting mouse events and preventing users from clicking on links underneath it, despite its transparency.

Is there a method to instruct the browser to disregard events occurring on the table? I aim to solely capture events from the content within the table (as well as the rest of the website).

Answer №1

Instead of relying on an HTML <table> to center an element on the screen, it is recommended to utilize proper CSS positioning methods.

For centering text, use: text-align: center;. For centering block elements, use:

margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

This approach not only follows the correct methodology (supported by CSS2 standard in all modern browsers), but also addresses any issues related to captured events.

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