Tips on customizing KendoUI-Dialog titlebar using CSS for a single component

I am struggling with styling the KENDO UI dialog in a unique way:

Imagine I have a component named WatComponent. Inside this component,

  • When the user clicks the "Forbidden" button, my goal is to make a warning styled dialog appear, with a yellow/orange colored titlebar.
  • If the user clicks the "DANGER" button, I want an error styled dialog to pop-up, with a red titlebar.

When I trigger the dialog using the DialogService:

const dialogRef ={
   title: this.danger ? 'DANGER!' : 'Warning!',
   content: WatDialogComponent
const userInfo = dialogRef.content.instance;
userInfo.danger = this.danger;

How can I apply different CSS styles (in any method) to ensure that the titlebar has distinct colors when opened from the same component?

I have attempted

  • to add a class to the
    <div kendoDialogContainer class="myTitlebarClass"></div>
    , although I did not anticipate it would work (as expected, it didn't).
  • to assign functionality to the danger property in order to pass it to the titlebar. Regrettably, this only affects the titlebars within the WatDialogComponent, while I need to target the titlebar one level above.
  • to search for a property in the DialogRef that would allow me to achieve this.

Is there a direct solution that I am overlooking? If not, do you know of any workaround that could be implemented?

Answer №1

If you take a look at the DialogRef API on this page, you will find that it includes the ComponentRef which allows you to access the host element and apply a specific class:

this.dialog ={
    title: 'Warning',
    content: 'Warning'

You can also check out the demo on this link.

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