Tips on avoiding global CSS styles from a UI framework within a Vue application

For my project, I am utilizing the Element UI framework along with their tables. In order to accommodate a filter input at the top of the table body, I need to add some padding. However, not all tables in my project will have this filter input, so not all tables require this padding. The challenge arises from the fact that I am targeting a class provided by Element UI (not one of my own creation) and the code only recognizes this selector in the App.vue file. Attempting to apply this styling in individual files proves unsuccessful. My goal is to remove the padding for a specific file while retaining it for all others.

App.vue file

.el-table__body {
  padding-top: 48px;

Answer №1

I have been using Element UI for a couple of years now and encountered a similar issue. The unique aspect of styling in Element-UI is that styles can be applied within their designated components.

For instance, in your scenario, you can customize the "el-table" by assigning a "custom class" to it and still utilize scoped styling. However, the contents within "el-table__body" may not be styled when using scoped.

If you desire to apply styles, simply remove the "scoped" attribute from the "style" tag, as shown below:

    padding-top: 200px;

Reminder: this method will impact the styles of all other tables within the same component and all subsequent components containing the "el-table__body" class.

To prevent altering the styles of other components' tables, assign a custom class name and target the el-table__body specifically.

For example:

      style="width: 100%">

Corresponding CSS style targeting would be:

.custom-table .el-table__body{
   padding-top: 200px;

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