Tips on aligning a v-btn alongside v-expansion-panels on the same row

Struggling with aligning my layout. Trying to get a single set of v-expansion-panels and a v-btn in the same row, both visually centered within a card. I managed to almost achieve it in this codepen: with the following structure:

      / \
    col  col
 (panel) (btn)

Issue: The minimum width of v-col creates white space around the button, throwing off the visual centering of the card content. Seeking guidance on how to either:

  1. Make the v-col surrounding the v-btn the same width as the v-btn
  2. Achieve the layout without using the grid system

Thanks in advance for any input!

Answer №1

It seems like everything you have done is correct so far. The only adjustment needed is to nest the <v-container> inside the <v-card-text> for proper alignment. Additionally, the button on the right should only have a col-1 width, not col-2. If you don't specify a col width for the element containing the button, it will take up the full space and affect the alignment of the container as well. Another solution would be to set the width of the container using CSS like this:

<v-container style="width:600px;">

<v-card color="grey lighten-3">
    Question: How can I visually center the margin on both sides of the v-col with the <v-icon color="green">mdi-check</v-icon> button that currently has a minimum column width? 

   <v-container> //Either give a width here style="width:600px;"
      <v-row v-for="(item,i) in 5"
        :key="i" class="mb-1" no-gutters justify="center">
        <v-col cols="10">
                  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
        <v-col> //or set cols="1" here
         <v-btn class="closeBtn mb-1 ml-1" width="36px">
           <v-icon color="green">mdi-check</v-icon>

Answer №2

To solve the issue, I calculated the necessary width of the v-col containing the button and added inline styling within the v-for loop like this:

<v-col cols="1" style="max-width:40px">
. Check out the updated code on my pen:

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