Tips on adjusting weight and height in CSS to ensure responsiveness as the screen size decreases

Is there a way to set the weight and height in CSS so that they remain responsive when the screen size is reduced? Currently, I am resizing using PHP before storing but I am considering using HTML and CSS or JavaScript instead. Is there a solution for this?

For example:

a.jpg (500*500)


<img src="a.jpg" style="height:200px;width200px;"> // It will resize when the screen is reduced or viewed on mobile devices  

Answer №1

To make the image a certain percentage of its parent, you can set its width to a specific value. In this example, the image is 40% of the page's width, which will also adjust the height accordingly.

img {
<img src="" />

Answer №2

One way to achieve this is by utilizing CSS.

Here's an example code snippet: max-width: 200px; width: 100%; height: auto;

Answer №3

If you're looking to incorporate dynamic sizing, it's recommended to use percentages. For example: 20% or 25%.

Keep in mind that the width will be relative to the parent element, so you may need to verify the parent element's width as well.

Answer №4

Avoid using fixed pixel width when creating a responsive design or image. Instead, utilize a width of 100% and include meta tags in the header along with media queries for responsiveness.

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