Tips for styling links in Nuxt/Vue based on specific conditions

Struggling with conditional styling in my Nuxt app. I want to change the background color of the active link based on the current page. Using .nuxt-link-exact-active works for styling the active link, but how can I customize it for each page?

The links are in a component rendered on every page. I've tried using .nuxt-link-exact-active at the page level, but it doesn't work. My current code changes the styling based on the page, but it applies to all links instead of just the active one. Any clarification would be appreciated. Thanks!

  <nav class="flex-container flex-column mt-1">
    <NuxtLink to="/about" class="link" :class="classObject">about</NuxtLink>
    <div class="mt-1 flex-container">
      <NuxtLink to="/projects" class="link" :class="classObject"
    <div class="mt-1 flex-container">
      <NuxtLink to="/contact" class="link" :class="classObject"

export default {
  // apply current route name as a class to the matching div
  computed: {
    classObject() {
      return {
        about: this.$ === 'about',
        projects: this.$ === 'projects',
        contact: this.$ === 'contact',

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.about {
  background-color: $near-white;

.projects {
  background-color: $blue;

.contact {
  background-color: $yellow;

example of what I'm aiming for

Answer №1

If you want to modify the appearance of .nuxt-link-exact-active globally, it's better to do it in the layout rather than on individual pages.

For instance, you can make changes in the layouts/default.vue file like this:

.nuxt-link-exact-active {
  background: blue;

Answer №2

I devised a solution that may not be the most optimal, but it does the job. Now, every link is prefaced by a div element that will only appear on the designated page, while the link itself is displayed otherwise.

  <nav class="flex-container flex-column mt-1">
    <div v-if="currentPageName === 'about'" class="box about">
    <div v-else>
      <NuxtLink to="/about" class="link">about</NuxtLink>
    <div v-if="currentPageName === 'projects'" class="box projects">
    <div v-else>
      <NuxtLink to="/projects" class="link">projects</NuxtLink>
    <div v-if="currentPageName === 'contact'" class="box contact">
    <div v-else>
      <NuxtLink to="/contact" class="link">contact</NuxtLink>

export default {
  computed: {
    currentPageName() {
      return this.$

<style lang="scss" scoped>
.box {
  width: 150px;
  height: 150px;

.about {
  background-color: $near-white;

.projects {
  background-color: $blue;

.contact {
  background-color: $yellow;

Answer №3

If you're looking to verify the status of a path, one simple method is to use $nuxt.$route.path.

          <nuxt-link :to="links[0].path" :class="{'bg-black text-white': links[0].path == path }">{{ links[0].name }}</nuxt-link>
          <nuxt-link :to="links[1].path" :class="{secondStyle: links[1].path == path }">{{ links[1].name }}</nuxt-link>
    export default {
        name: "Header",
        data() {
          return {
            path: null,
            links: [
              {path: "/link1", name: "Link 1"},
              {path: "/link2", name: "Link 2"}
        mounted() {
          this.path = $nuxt.$route.path;

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