Tips for styling cells in a certain column of an ng-repeat table

I am currently facing an issue with a table I have created where the last column is overflowing off the page. Despite being just one line of text, it extends beyond the right edge of the page without being visible or scrollable. The table is built using the semantic ui framework.

Is there a way to contain the text within the limits of each cell in only the last column? It's tricky because I am using ng-repeat to generate the table data.

I attempted to solve this by adding

ng-style="overflow:scroll; max-width:300px"
to my <td></td> elements, but this caused every cell in the table to become scrollable and overflowed.

<table class="ui left aligned red table"
                        <th ng-repeat="head in headers"
                        ng-repeat="nfo in allError | filter:dashFilter">
                        <td ng-repeat="head in headers"

Answer №1

Have you considered utilizing the 'last-child' selector in your CSS? You can try adding this snippet to your stylesheet:

    tr td:last-child{

I hope this solution proves beneficial for your needs.

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