Identifying the moment when attention shifts away from an element

Is it possible to detect when focus occurs outside an element without relying on global selectors like $(document), $(body), or $(window) for performance reasons?

  • If achieving this without global selectors is not feasible, provide a provable reason explaining why. It's crucial for me to understand the limitations of today's techniques.
  • Bonus Round: Identify the most efficient selector(s)/event handler(s)/plugin(s) for this task in terms of computation time.

View my implementation featuring a simple HTML navigation bar with native keyboard navigation between anchor tags. The goal is to display a dropdown menu when focusing on inner anchor elements and hide it when not focused.

<ul class="test">
    <a href="#">Title</a>
        <a href="#">Some link</a>
        <a href="#">Some link</a>
        <a href="#">Some link</a>
        <a href="#">Some link</a>

The objectives are:

  1. Navigate between anchors using keyboard tab or shift+tab.
  2. Show the drop-down menu when focusing on inner anchors.
  3. Hide the drop-down menu when the focus is outside any inner anchors.

I have achieved 1 and 2, but 3 presents a challenge due to the limitations mentioned earlier. While using a global selector would make this task easy, I am exploring alternative solutions.

$(document).ready(function() {
    dropdownMenu = $(".test > ul");

    $(".test").focusin(function() {
        if (":hidden")) {
    // Need a selector/event to handle focus/clicks outside $(".test") element

Note: I am cautious about using event.stopPropagation(); as described in CSS Tricks - The Dangers of Stopping Event Propagation. However, I am willing to consider it if it proves to be the most efficient approach.

Answer №1

It seems like I might not have fully grasped the question, but I believe I understand what you're asking.

To achieve this, you can utilize the in conjunction with the closest method within the context of the focusin event.

$(document).on('focusin', function (event) {
  var $target = $(;
  if (!$target.closest('.bar').length) {
    console.log('You have focused outside of the .bar element!');

You can also find a working example on JSFiddle:

Answer №2

If you want a solution without using global selectors, consider adding a delay to the closing action:

  var isVisible = false;

  $(".selector").focusin(function() {
    if (":hidden")) {;
    isVisible = true;

  $(".selector").focusout(function() {
    isVisible = false;
    setTimeout(function() {
      if (!isVisible &&":visible")) {
    }, 100);

This may seem complicated, but it helps prevent accidental closures while navigating through tabs. Check out

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