Tips for styling a button upon being clicked

Is there a CSS technique to make a button change color when clicked with the mouse? I am aware of using ':hover' for changing color, but I need something specific to a left mouse click.

I want the same functionality as a standard button but with a different default color than blue.

Answer №1

To achieve this effect, you can utilize the :active selector. HTML:

<button>Press Me!</button>   




Answer №2


Utilizing :active

This method applies CSS as long as the mouse button is pressed down and removes it when released.

a:active{ //Enter your CSS for active state }

Utilizing :focus

This technique applies CSS when the mouse button is clicked and the style remains until the user clicks on something else or moves away from that element.

a:focus{ //Your CSS for focus state }

Answer №3

To tackle this issue, you can employ Javascript in addition to other methods.

<input id="btn" type="button" value="Press me" onclick="changeClr();">


changeClr = function(){


Answer №4

To style active buttons, you can use the css selector :active

button:active {
  background-color: blue;

Take a look at this demo on JSFiddle:

Answer №5

Employ the :active CSS selector in your styling.

To illustrate, here's an example that gives a 'click' effect to a button:

.myButtonClass:active {

Answer №6

When a button is clicked, it enters an active state. This allows you to customize its appearance using CSS code like this:

.button1:active {

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