Tips for saving the visibility status of a <div> in your browser bookmarks?

Currently, I am in the process of developing a single webpage (index.html). The navigation bar at the top includes links to hash references (DIV IDs). If JavaScript is enabled, clicking on these links triggers a JavaScript function with the onclick attribute. Subsequently, the links are suppressed. This JavaScript function prevents the link from leading to the hash reference and only displays the selected DIV while hiding others.

Is there a way to save the page state (which divs are hidden or visible) so that when a user bookmarks the page, their selection is preserved? Additionally, how can browser history be manipulated to achieve the same outcome?

Answer №1

Utilizing search parameters can help in maintaining the page's state. By implementing this approach, you can have your JavaScript code read the search parameters upon page load and dynamically adjust the page layout to reflect the parameters present in the URL.

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