Tips for retrieving the value by reading and clicking on multiple identical href elements with the help of FindBy method using CSS

    <a href="test.aspx?id=1">TESTGOWN</a>
    <a href="test.aspx?id=2">TESTGOWN</a>

TESTGOWN can be found in various places on the page.

This particular section displays links.

@FindBy(how = How.CSS,using = "a[href='test.aspx']")

The link is not clickable.


@FindBy(how = How.CSS,using = "a[href='test.aspx']")
    WebElement gownlink;

    public void ClickDress()



Dashboardpage= PageFactory.initElements(driver, DashboardPage.class);

ERROR: Marionette INFO New connections will no longer be accepted

Answer №1

In the scenario you described,

TESTDRESS can be located in different areas on the page
. However, during the HTML formatting process, the id of the parent node and the <span> tags were removed. Assuming that the href attributes are unique for each node, the following approach should be effective:

@FindBy(how = How.CSS,using = "a[href='test.aspx?id=1']")
WebElement testlink;

public void ClickDress()



@FindBy(how = How.CSS,using = "a[href='test.aspx?id=2']")
WebElement testlink;

public void ClickDress()


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