Tips for rearranging a span following an image?

Looking for a solution to rearrange a span element after an image within automatically generated HTML.

Sample HTML:

<span>closed</span> <img alt="Click to reset" src="xxx" class="">

Currently, the span appears before the img in the code snippet provided.

The desired output is to have the img render first, followed by the span like this:

<img alt="Click to reset" src="xxx" class=""> <span>closed</span> 

Although unable to directly edit the HTML, wondering if there is a CSS workaround solution?


It should be noted that both elements are enclosed within a <div>.

For example:

<div><span>closed</span> <img alt="Click to reset" src="xxx" class=""></div>

Answer №1

If you look at it from the perspective of the span element, you can utilize the Adjacent sibling selectors to modify the display and float properties of the image.

div span + img { 
  display: block;
  float: left;

/* clear fix the float */
div:after {
  content: ".";
  clear: both;
  display: block;
  visibility: hidden;
  height: 0;
  <img alt="Click to reset" src="" class="" />   

Alternatively, you could opt for a flex layout approach and reorder your elements like this:

div {
    display: flex;
    align-content: flex-start;

span { 
    order: 1;
    align-self: flex-end;
  <img alt="Click to reset" src="" class="" />   

Answer №2

For those open to utilizing jQuery, here's a technique you could implement:


Alternatively, using CSS, you can achieve the desired result by:


Answer №3

Here's another potential approach:

section { display: grid; }
img{ display: grid-header-group; }
span { display: grid-footer-group; }


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