Leveraging backstretch.js in combination with blur.js (or equivalent)

Query Update

I provided a response to the query below, however, I am experiencing some lag and a noticeable stepped transition between images. Can anyone offer advice on how to optimize this issue?

Perhaps it would be better to go back to using a static image that is randomly selected and displayed until the page is refreshed.


I am interested in learning if there is a way, or if someone has a working example, to blur a background image (possibly for a background slideshow).

The current setup I have goes through 12 images, each being shown for 10 seconds before transitioning to the next one. I would like to explore the option of blurring the background if feasible. In instances where the image needs to remain static, I would like it to select an image at random from a predefined list.

The code snippet below functions as intended (blur.js is included but not functioning as expected).

I have also tagged this with css3 as I understand that certain CSS3 properties can create a blur effect.

<script src="/js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="/js/backstretch.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/blur.js"></script>
], {duration: 3000, fade: 1000});


Answer №1

While working on a jsfiddle to showcase my progress, I came across vague.js while searching for blur.js on cdnjs.

The completed script link can be found below; it functions just as I intended and is quite simplistic.

], {duration: 3000, fade: 1000});

var vague = $('body').Vague({
    intensity:      10,      // Blur Intensity
    forceSVGUrl:    false,   // Force absolute path to the SVG filter,
    // default animation options
    animationOptions: {
      duration: 1000,
      easing: 'linear' // here you can use also custom jQuery easing functions



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