Tips for properly sizing 13 images in Next.js

I've been facing some challenges while working on a responsive website, particularly with getting the sizing right.

When viewing my image on mobile, everything looks good:

However, when I switch over to desktop view, the image appears too large.

Here's how I want the image to behave:

On mobile, it should remain at the bottom of the screen as it currently is.

On desktop, I'd like the image to be positioned in the bottom right corner of the viewport within the red rectangle I've outlined. It should resize responsively without fixed dimensions.

The following HTML code is relevant:

<section class="page_hero-section__MZdi7">
   <div class="page_hero-con__ijIdx">
      <p>Ontlast de werkvloer. Onze x komen op locatie en zorgen voor een stralende lach voor clienten én medewerkers.</p>
      <button>werkwijze</button><button>get started</button>
   <div class="page_hero-join-con__AkBR0">
      <Image alt="cool girl with colorful glasses"
         <p>werken bij ons?</p>
         <a>join the crew</a>
   <div class="page_hero-werkwijze__IoSuu">
      <div class="page_hero-werkwijze-line__ccNUj"></div>

And here's the relevant CSS code:

.hero-section {
  position: relative;
  display: flex;
  height: calc(100vh - var(--header-height));
  flex-direction: column;
  justify-content: space-between;

  img {
    display: block;
    max-width: 100%;
    height: auto;

Setting the image height to 100% results in it being larger than its container. I've also attempted using object-fit: contain but that didn't make any difference.

Answer №1

Issue resolved!

I managed to fix it by including the CSS property flex: 1 in the parent element named hero-join-con that contains the img. Additionally, I added fill={true} to the <Image /> react element and applied object-fit: contain along with object-position: right bottom to the hero-con-join img.

The problem with object-fit was due to not having included the fill={true} property previously.

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