Tips for positioning slideshow below header in web design

I am currently working on enhancing the slideshow feature on my website. If you take a look at the image link provided below, you'll notice that the alignment of the slideshow is slightly off on both sides. Despite my attempts to adjust the CSS width settings, the issue persists. Any suggestions on how I can resolve this? Your input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I am aiming to make the slideshow match the width of both the menu and footer sections.

Link to JSFiddle

Slideshow Image Link

<!DOCTYPE html>  
... (remaining HTML code) ...


body {
    font-family: verdana;

.menu_div { 
    background: black; 
... (remaining CSS code) ...

Answer №1

The issue is being triggered by the border in your CSS class called .fadein. Try deleting line 131 from your jsfiddle to see if that resolves it.

Answer №2

Need help aligning slideshow element below header? If you can't find a specific header element, no worries! To make an element appear above others, you'll need to utilize the z-index property.

Try something like this:


.all other elements to be below{
   z-index:1;  // By keeping an element's z-index below 100 or not setting it at all, the header will stay on top

Best of luck!

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