Tips for maintaining the chat scroll position while typing on mobile devices

Check out this example page:

The issue at hand is that when accessing the site from a mobile device and tapping on the input field, the keyboard pops up. This causes the text in the main chat area to shift positions, creating inconsistencies in display.

Answer №1

To ensure you always stay at the bottom while scrolling, consider implementing the following solution:

const adjustInputHeight = (e) => {
    input =,
    container = input.closest(".container"),
    scrollElement = container.querySelector(".scroll"); = "auto"; = input.scrollHeight + "px";

  // Refer to:
  scrollElement.scrollTop = scrollElement.scrollHeight - scrollElement.clientHeight;

document.querySelectorAll("textarea").forEach((textArea) => {
  Object.assign(, {
    height: `${textArea.scrollHeight}px`,
    overflowY: "hidden"
  textArea.addEventListener("input", adjustInputHeight);

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