Tips for maintaining consistent webpage layout across various screen sizes

Although this method may seem outdated, I have always been intrigued by how it was accomplished. In the past, before websites became responsive, pages would simply shrink down to fit on mobile devices without adjusting their appearance.

How was this achieved? I am interested in making my website adjust in a similar way across all media sizes without losing its original design.

Answer №1

What is the process for achieving that?

The solution involves doing nothing at all.

This is the typical behavior of devices with compact physical screens when presented with a webpage that does not explicitly indicate support for small viewports through the use of the meta viewport.

Answer №2

This code snippet allows you to display a webpage uniformly across multiple screens.

<meta name="viewport" content="width=YOURCONTAINERWIDTH">

For example:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=1500">

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