Tips for increasing the font size using html and css?

I am encountering an issue with my HTML code:

 <div class="a"><font size="40"><font 

No matter what I try, I cannot seem to increase the font-size. Even adjusting the value in the code from 40 to 50 does not make a difference.

I attempted to add the following CSS:

.a {font-size: 50px;}

Unfortunately, this had no effect on the font size.

You can view the page here:

Answer №1

The <font> element is no longer supported in HTML5 and will not function properly. To apply styles, use the <style> tag in the <head> section or link a stylesheet:

 .b {
    font-size: 20px;
    color: blue;

Another option is to apply styles directly within the HTML element using inline CSS:

<span style="font-size: 20px; color: blue">B</span>

Answer №2

With the introduction of HTML5, the Font-tag is no longer recommended. It is now preferable to use CSS for styling all elements:

<div class="b"> B </div>

.b {
  font-size: 40px;
  color: black;

Answer №3

To enhance the appearance of your div element, consider utilizing CSS styling:

    <div style="font-size:50px; color: black;">A</div>

Answer №4

The font element allows for the "size" attribute to range from 1 to 7. To customize the font using CSS, you can use the "style" attribute within the font tag like this:

<font style="font-size:40px;">A</font>

Alternatively, you can eliminate the font tag and apply the style directly to the div element like so:

<div style="font-size:40px;">A</div>

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