Tips for incorporating decimal numbering into lists

Is it possible to replicate this layout using HTML and CSS?


Can I achieve this with the <li> and <ul> tags?

Answer №1

When working with CSS-compliant browsers, you have the option to implement the following code:

ul { counter-reset:item; }
ul > li { counter-increment:item; }
ul > li:before {content: counter(item); }

ul > li > ul { counter-reset:subitem; }
ul > li > ul > li { counter-increment:subitem; }
ul > li > ul > li:before { content: counter(item) "." counter(subitem); }

Answer №2

Unfortunately, achieving consistent styling across different browsers can be challenging.

One workaround is to use nested ordered lists:

    <li>Item 1
            <li>Subitem 1</li>

You can then apply different styles to each nested list:

ol {
    list-style-type: upper-roman;
ol ol {
    list-style-type: decimal;

I hope this solution proves helpful!

Answer №3

It is recommended to opt for DL/DT/DD over OL/UL and manually input the values in the DT tags.

Answer №4

CSS Counters offer a way to count elements in CSS. By utilizing the :before and :after pseudo-classes, you can display the counter value to automatically number headings.

Regrettably, support for this feature is lacking in certain browsers such as Internet Explorer, even in its most recent version. However, Firefox excels in its implementation. Consider using it as an enhancement that won't render your site unusable if not supported by all browsers.

Answer №6

Achieving this is possible using CSS Counters. Nevertheless, it may not function properly across all web browsers.

Answer №7

If you're looking to dynamically update a table of contents using just one line of JavaScript, it can easily be achieved with the following code snippet:

<td class="session">
{document.getElementsByClassName("session")[num].innerHTML = "1." + (++num);}

The variable num should be globally declared and initialized to zero somewhere in your document before this code block. With the given code, the first instance will display as 1.1. Simply change ++num to num++ if you want it to start at 1.0 instead.

Answer №8

Sample html code :

  <li>1  </li>          
  <li>2  </li>                  

Custom css code:

li  {   list-style:none; }

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