Tips for implementing multiple CSS image filters with jQuery

Can you show me how to use jQuery to apply the CSS code below?

   -webkit-filter: grayscale(20%) invert(0) blur(1px); 

I attempted this method already, but it didn't have any effect.

$('#centeredImage').css('-webkit-filter','grayscale(20%) invert(0) blur(1px)'); 

Answer №1

Try this simple filter method:

$('#centeredImage').css('filter','grayscale(20%) invert(0) blur(1px)');

jQuery takes care of adding necessary prefixes.

Answer №2

Instead of using filter(), try utilizing WebkitFilter:

    WebkitFilter: 'grayscale(20%) invert(0) blur(1px)'

Check out the demo on Fiddle

Answer №3

Consider defining CSS styles as a separate class

   -webkit-filter: sepia(50%) saturate(200%) hue-rotate(220deg);

Next, in jQuery:


By following this approach, you maintain a clear separation between JavaScript and styling.

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