Tips for enhancing the "Eliminate render-blocking resources" score on the Lighthouse report for Progressive Web App (PWA) optimization

Check out my first attempt at a PWA here:

My goal is to achieve a perfect 100% in Lighthouse for all categories :)

Although I've read the "Learn More" page, I'm still struggling with how to implement Bootstrap CSS inline. Any tips or suggestions?

Answer №1

Understanding the Concept

When we talk about "Eliminate render-blocking resources," it means that all necessary CSS and JavaScript files for the initial view of a website should be included directly in the HTML code (inline or within script or style blocks). Other CSS and JS files can be loaded separately for content displayed further down the page.

This approach allows the browser to quickly render the first view, enhancing user experience by loading additional CSS and JS files later.

How to Implement

Through my own experience, I discovered that I was only utilizing a small portion of classes within bootstrap.css. Tools like Lighthouse can help identify unused CSS classes. By selectively including relevant classes in the HTML, you can optimize load times.

Implementing JavaScript requires a similar approach. Opt for vanilla JavaScript within the HTML for functionalities like navigation and carousels instead of relying on bootstrap.js for faster performance.

Wishing you success in optimizing your website. Best of luck!

Answer №2

It is important to carefully choose which CSS and JS files to load in the head section based on the current 'view' being accessed, rather than just loading everything. Inlining these files is not necessary, as they can easily be loaded from external CSS or JS files. Any additional CSS and JS can be loaded in the footer section.

For single page applications (SPAs) that are also progressive web apps (PWAs), achieving a perfect score on the opening/splash screen is straightforward. However, for websites where determining the 'first page' is unclear, optimizing for performance becomes more challenging. Implementing a CSS in JS or inline solution may be tricky but effective.

In the case of websites, there is a simpler approach to optimizing performance. I have detailed this in my article on achieving a 100% Google Lighthouse score, which focuses specifically on websites. In summary, removing unnecessary frameworks can significantly improve performance in many cases, making it a viable solution worth considering.

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