Tips for eliminating the jittery motion in an image gallery transition

I have a gallery of images that seems to be quite 'jumpy' when opening and closing the images, as demonstrated in this fiddle.

Even after applying transform:translateZ(0); as suggested here, there doesn't seem to be much improvement in reducing the laggy animation.

Is there something I might have overlooked or done incorrectly that is causing this issue?

Note: The HTML markup repetition isn't a concern; it's more likely related to the 'imagewrap' CSS class that could be causing the problem.

$(document).ready(function () {
        $('.imagewrap').click(function () {
... (CSS code here) ...
<script src=""></script>
<div class="gallery">
     ... (Image gallery HTML code here) ...

I suspect the issue may arise from switching between position:relative and position:absolute;, although I haven't fully tested this yet (there could be other underlying problems that I'm not aware of). But based on my observation so far, that seems to be a possible cause of the problem.

Answer №1

Experiment with a standard transition effect. Verify if the result matches your expectations Check out the Updated Fiddle.

* { -webkit-transition: all 0.6s ease-in-out; } 

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