Leverage CSS to create a hover effect on one element that triggers a change in another

How can I use pure CSS to make an image appear when hovering over text?


<h1 id="hover">Hover over me</h1>
<div id="squash">
  <img src="http://askflorine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/temp_quash.jpg" width="100%">


#squash {
  display: none;

#hover:hover + #squash {
  display: block;

While this method works well, it becomes complicated if anything is placed between the <h1> and the <div> due to the CSS selector used (+). Is there a way to trigger a change in CSS on one element based on an event in another?


Answer №2

Give it a go

<h1 id="hover">Hover over me</h1>
<img id="squash" src="http://askflorine.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/temp_quash.jpg" width="100%">

#squash {
  display: none;

#hover:hover ~ #squash {
  display: block;

Answer №3

It all comes down to what you insert between the two sections. If you enclose text about squash inside the

<p> include text here
    <div id="squash"...>

This will result in changes to the CSS:

#hover:hover + p #squash {

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