Is it possible to eliminate the border on an image input button?

Here is the code I've been working on:


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <input type="image" value=" " class="btnimage" />


.btnimage {
    width: 80px;
    height: 25px;
    background:url('C:/Users/John/Desktop/Misc Things for the CoD Ghosts Site/SubmitButton.png');
.btnimage:hover {
    background-position: 0 -25px;
    background:url('C:/Users/John/Desktop/Misc Things for the CoD Ghosts Site/SubmitButtononHover.png');

Although the code is functioning, there's a persistent border around the button that I'm trying to remove. Adding background-border:0; to both classes did not achieve the desired result.

Answer №1


input {
    /* changes border width to 0 and removes border style */ 
    border:0 none;


input {
    border: 0px solid black;

Answer №2

background-border is not a valid CSS property

To remove a border using CSS, you can set its width to 0 or its style to none.

To prevent an Internet Explorer legacy bug, it is important to specify a border-width or border-color when using border-style:none. For optimal results and compatibility across browsers, consider using border:0 none;

.btnimage {
    border: 0 none;
    width: 80px;
    height: 25px;
    background:url('C:/Users/John/Desktop/Misc Things for the CoD Ghosts Site/SubmitButton.png');

If your border is only visible as an outline when focusing on an input, use the following:

.btnimage:focus {

Answer №3

style_input {
  remove_border:0 !important;
  hide_outline:0 !important;

Answer №4

The issue at hand is the use of an input type="image" without specifying a source, causing the border to appear as a broken image. When setting the input type as image, it requires an src attribute to be provided.

There are two possible solutions:

1st: Assign the "src" property to the input in the HTML code. If you wish to change the hover image, you can achieve this using JavaScript.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <input type="image" src="your_image_url" class="btnimage" />

2nd: Change the input type to "button", or use a link "", then remove the border and background in the CSS.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <input type="button" class="btnimage" />


Answer №5

Styling with CSS


The styling is effective.

Answer №6

If you want to get rid of the border, simply add this line to your CSS whenever you want to remove it:

outline: 0;

Answer №7

Don't forget to experiment with the prefixes

input {

    border:0 none;
    -moz-border:0 none;   
    -webkit-border:0 none;  
     outline: 0;  //make sure to include this as well

Answer №8

give this a shot

input {
  border:0 none !important;

using the important declaration will certainly make a difference.

Answer №9

1) Implement the src attribute to specify the image URL.

2) Create a personalized button using a div element, for instance:

<div class="custombtn" onclick="handleClick()">Click Me</div>

This approach should address the issue effectively.

Answer №10

After countless failed attempts using "border", I finally found a solution that worked:

input { outline: 0 !important; }

Answer №11

I was also struggling with this issue recently. To start, make sure to specify the image you want to use as the src if you are utilizing the input type of 'image.'

For example:

<input type='image' src='img/share.png' alt='Share'>

Next, adjust your CSS accordingly:

#fbshare input[type="image"] {outline:none;}
#fbshare input[type="image"]:active {outline:none;}

This method worked for me in Chrome, and I believe it will work for you as well. It's amazing how a solution from nearly 2 years ago can still be relevant. (I am sharing this for others who may stumble upon this page through a Google search)

The following page assisted me in reaching the aforementioned conclusion.

Answer №12

I encountered a similar issue like the original poster (OP), specifically with an image input element. It appears that this issue stems from the browser treating it as a "missing image" if the src attribute is not defined.

A simple workaround is to set the attribute to a transparent pixel, which eliminates the non-border and non-outline "border" effect of the image input:

<input type="image" src="" class="btnimage">

No CSS modifications are necessary (and do not appear to resolve the issue).

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