Tips for effectively drying up sass mixin code using before and after blocks

Here is the SCSS code I currently have:

@if $position == bottom {
    &:after {
      height: $triangle-width;
      width: $triangle-width;
      margin-top: -$triangle-width/2 -$stroke-width;

@if $position == top {
    &:before {
      height: $triangle-width;
      width: $triangle-width;
      margin-bottom: -$triangle-width/2 -$stroke-width;

There is some duplicated code here that I'd like to streamline. I attempted to create a separate class, but it didn't work as expected. Any suggestions on how to optimize this? I thought about creating a mixin within a mixin, but that might be too complex. What are your thoughts?

Answer №1

One effective strategy for keeping code DRY is to extract common components into mixins and then combine them into larger mixins. This method is commonly used in frameworks like Compass. Take a look at the Compass list mixins for reference.

@mixin base-triangle($triangle-width) {
  height: $triangle-width;
  width: $triangle-width;

@mixin triangle($position, $triangle-width: 4, $stroke-width: 4) {
  @if $position == bottom {
    &:after {
      @include base-triangle($triangle-width);
      margin-top: -$triangle-width/2 -$stroke-width;

  @if $position == top {
    &:before {
      @include base-triangle($triangle-width);
      margin-bottom: -$triangle-width/2 -$stroke-width;

.foo {
  @include triangle("top", 8px, 8px);

.bar {
  @include triangle("bottom");

Compiles to:

.foo:before {
  height: 8px;
  width: 8px;
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  margin-bottom: -12px;

.bar:after {
  height: 4;
  width: 4;
  content: "";
  position: absolute;
  margin-top: -6;

Answer №2

One effective way to utilize this type of mixin is by excluding the :before or :after from the mixin and directly applying the mixin in the desired pseudo-class. This not only streamlines the mixin but also eliminates any dependencies on conditional logic.

Here's a sample of how the mixin can be used:

@mixin customMixin($position, $size, $stroke) {
    position: absolute;
    width: $size;
    height: $size;
    margin-#{$position}: -($size / 2) - $stroke;
    content: '';

Sample application:

.example {

    &:before {
        @include customMixin(top, 20px, 20px);

.example-two {

    &:after {
        @include customMixin(bottom, 20px, 20px);

Answer №3

These SASS variables serve as placeholders for this example.

$position : top ;
$triangle-width : 100px;
$stroke-width : 100px;

A SASS mixin that consolidates logic in one location. The absence of IF-ELSE conditions allows for versatile usage across multiple instances.

@mixin before_after($margin-side,$before-after){
&:#{$before-after} {
      height: $triangle-width;
      width: $triangle-width;
      margin-#{$margin-side}: -$triangle-width/2 -$stroke-width;


The mixin can be integrated with IF-ELSE statements to guide functionality.

    @if $position == top {

        @include before_after(bottom,before);
        @include before_after(top,after);

Alternatively, the mixin can be applied without the use of IF-ELSE conditions.

@include before_after(bottom,before);

@include before_after(top,before);

PS: This response has been expanded to offer additional context for @Sean Stopnik. It aims to provide a foundational understanding for further exploration and development by the original questioner, rather than detailing every aspect of variable application.

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  • If you have suggestions for improvement or an alternative solution, feel free to share.
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