Tips for determining the width of an image and utilizing that measurement as the height in order to create a balanced square image

I am currently facing an issue with my code that is used to retrieve the width of an image which is set in percentages. Although I am able to obtain the width in pixels, I am struggling with correctly inserting the variable into the CSS property value using JavaScript.

This presents a challenge for me.

$("#ProPhotosID").css("height", '' + height + '')

You can see the full example below:

var img = document.getElementById("ProPhotosID"); 
var height = img.clientHeight;
$("#ProPhotosID").css("height", '' + height + '')

Thank you.

Answer №1

There is no need to use single quotes ', simply include the variable.
Make sure that img.clientHeight contains a valid value.
You can attempt the following:

$("#ProPhotosID").css("height",  height);

Answer №2

Here is the solution you've been looking for:

Adjust the height of #ProPhotosID to match its width using jQuery:
$('#ProPhotosID').css('height', $('#ProPhotosID').css('width'));

Answer №3

Avoid wrapping the variable with '. Directly use the variable instead.
Here's an example:


Alternatively, you can simplify it by using height() instead of css('heght', ):


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