Tips for customizing the appearance of ToggleButton in material-ui

Currently, I'm working on customizing the ToggleButton in order to change the default color when it is selected. However, my attempts have been fruitless so far.

const customizeStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({   
  toggleButtonSelected: {
      "background-color": "red"

<ToggleButtonGroup exclusive>
        classes={{ selected: customizeStyles.toggleButtonSelected }}
        value="a" >
        Button A
        classes={{ selected: customizeStyles.toggleButtonSelected }}
        Button B

Answer №1


Consider updating your makeStyles styling as shown below:

const useStyles = makeStyles((theme) => ({
  toggleButtonSelected: {
    "&.MuiToggleButton-root": {
      "background-color": "red"


Your original makeStyles styling is not effective because it creates a CSS rule with selector of

(highlighted in red in the above image), which gets overridden by another rule with higher specificity.

The updated makeStyles styling generates a CSS rule with a selector that has higher specificity compared to your original styling (highlighted in red in the image below). This revised styling is able to successfully override the default styling.

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