Tips for customizing the appearance of a child component using the parent component in Vue.js

I am working on creating a layout using Vuejs and flexbox that includes elements like 'header, sidebar, main-content, sidebar, footer'. I have separated each part of the layout into individual .vue files, such as header.vue and sidebar.vue.
In my App.vue file, I am including these components like this:

  <div id="app">
    <app-header ></app-header>

import header from "./components/header";
import sidebar from "./components/sidebar";
import content from "./components/content";
import footer from "./components/footer";

export default {
  components: {
    "app-header": header,
    "app-sidebar": sidebar,
    "app-content": content,
    "app-footer": footer

<style lang="scss">

body {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

#app {
  border: 3px solid red;
  min-height: 100vh;

  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;

  > * {
    border: 1px solid black;

I'm facing an issue where I can't select these custom nested components directly from the App.vue file to style them. For example, I am unable to use app-header{} as I would with regular HTML tags in CSS within the style tags of the App.vue file. Is there a solution to this problem?
NOTE: I am aware that I can assign classes to each nested component and then style them using CSS class selectors.

Answer №1

One effective way to approach this situation is by defining a property in each child component, such as HeaderClass, BodyClass, and others. This allows any consuming component to apply desired classes and style them accordingly.

<app-header :headerclass="parent-header-class"> </app-header>

Within the child component, you can utilize these properties and use v-bind to assign the class within the HTML, similar to the example below:

    <div :class=`${headerClass} internal-class-example button`> </div>

Please note: It's important to remember that only global classes can be passed down to the child components using this method. Scoped parent CSS cannot be utilized in this scenario, as it would not be recognized by the child component.

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