Tips for creating slanted div borders

I am working on a project where I have 4 divs serving as background colors. I want to create slanted bottom borders similar to the design in this image:

Below is the code I currently have:

html, body { height: 200%; padding: 0; margin: 0; }

#first {
top: 0;
background-color: orange;
height: 50%;

#second {
bottom: 0;
background-color: green;
height: 50%;

#third {
top: 0;
background-color: blue;
height: 50%;

#fourth {
bottom: 0;
background-color: red;
height: 50%;
<div id="first">&nbsp;</div>
<div id="second">&nbsp;</div>
<div id="third">&nbsp;</div>
<div id="fourth">&nbsp;</div>

Answer №1

For a well-structured grid layout, consider using resources like Foundation or Bootstrap. A sample setup could be:

<div class="row" id="firstBackground">
    <!-- Add your content here -->

<div class="row" id="secondBackground">
    <!-- Add your content here -->

<div class="row" id="thirdBackground">
    <!-- Add your content here -->

<div class="row" id="forthBackground">
    <!-- Add your content here -->

This layout structure should be helpful for your design needs.

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