Tips for creating an element that maintains its dimensions when a border is added during a hover effect

One issue I often face is the desire to add a border to an element on hover, only to find that as the border appears, the element's height and width change, causing it to visually jump and potentially push other elements. Is there a solution for this problem that doesn't involve using max-width and max-height?


    #mydiv { background: yellow; padding: 15px; border: 0; }
    #mydiv:hover { border: 1px solid black; }
<div id="mydiv">
    <p>Check out this element. Notice how the text shifts when the border shows up.</p>

Answer №1

To easily achieve this effect, you can start with a default transparent border:

    #mydiv {
        background: yellow; 
        padding: 15px; 
        border: 0;
        border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0);
    #mydiv:hover { 
        border: 1px solid black; 

Answer №2

Why not add a subtle 1px transparent border to the element when it's not being hovered over? This way, there will always be consistent spacing, but the color will change on hover.

    #mydiv { background: yellow; padding: 15px; border: 1px solid transparent; }
    #mydiv:hover { border-color: black; }
<div id="mydiv">
    <p>Check out this element. Notice how the text shifts when the border appears.</p>

Answer №3

In my opinion, it would be beneficial to incorporate box-sizing: border-box; in your CSS code for the element with the ID of #mydiv. This ensures that the padding and borders will be considered when calculating the width and height of the element.

Alternatively, you could consider changing the border color to yellow to complement the background color of the content div.

Answer №4

Implementing box-sizing:border-box can ensure that your border is included in the width and height calculation

Visit this link to learn more about box-sizing property

The border-box value allows the width and height properties (as well as min/max properties) to encompass content, padding, and border, but not margin.

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