Tips for creating a scrolling animation effect with images

I'm currently attempting to create an animation on an image using HTML/CSS. The issue I'm facing is that the animation triggers upon page load, but I would like it to activate when scrolling down to the image.

Below is my snippet of HTML:

   <img src="Assets/Images/klenet.jpg" id="clenet_picture">  
   <figcaption id="clenet_text">Clenet Series 1 from 1979.</figcaption>

And this is my CSS section:

   . . .

   animation-name: image-anim;
   animation-duration: 4s;
@keyframes image-anim
   from {opacity: 0%}
   to {opacity: 100%}

I understand that I need to incorporate some JavaScript to achieve the desired effect, but I'm unsure of how exactly to implement it. Can anyone guide me through that process?

Answer №1

Use JavaScript to add an additional class to the element, such as animate

Now you can target the element with #clenet_picture.animate instead of just #clenet_picture, and the animation will only trigger once the new class is applied

Need to know if an image is within the viewport? Check out this helpful resource: How can I tell if a DOM element is visible in the current viewport?

Answer №2

After some research, I stumbled upon what appears to be a straightforward resolution.

Alas, there is one vexing obstacle standing in the way.

Behold, the code:

const marker = 750;

        window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
            const currentScroll = window.pageYOffset;
            if (currentScroll <= marker) {
                transparency = 1 - currentScroll / marker;
            } else {
                transparency = 0;
            document.querySelector(".toAnimate").style.opacity = transparency;

The quandary lies in the fact that it now behaves contrarily... When approaching the image while scrolling, its opacity diminishes to 0 and as you move away from it, it fades back to 1...

If anyone can offer a solution, I would greatly appreciate it.

A heartfelt thank you to all those who provide answers!

Answer №3

Success! The issue has been resolved.

Check out the revised code below:

//You determine the checkpoint value
const checkpoint = 550;

window.addEventListener("scroll", () => {
    const currentScroll = window.pageYOffset;
    let opacity;
    if (currentScroll <= checkpoint) {
        opacity = 0 + currentScroll / checkpoint;
    } else {
        opacity = 1;
    document.querySelector(".toAnimate").style.opacity = opacity;

This straightforward solution works effectively even without CSS!

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