Tips for creating a responsive React Monaco Editor:

I'm currently working with react-monaco-editor and having trouble making it responsive. The component has a fixed height and width, so when I resize the screen, the width stays the same.

      defaultValue="//type your code here"

If I remove the width and height attributes from the component, it shrinks. I've tried using flex to override the component's styling, but it doesn't work as expected.

.react-monaco-editor-container {
   flex: 2;

Could anyone provide some CSS tips on how to make this monaco editor responsive?

Answer №1

To enable automatic layout, just include the setting automaticLayout: true in the options parameter.

Answer №2

To optimize the available space for your editor container, consider implementing a resize handler to dynamically adjust it for your Monaco Editor.

There are several libraries available that can assist with this task:

For a practical example using the mentioned library, check out this Sandbox demo:

import React from "react";
import { withResizeDetector } from "react-resize-detector";

const Editor = ({ width, height }) => (
      background: "grey",
      height: height,
      width: width
    Editor container with {width} x {height}

export default withResizeDetector(Editor);

Answer №3

When CSS failed to deliver the desired results, I turned to javascript for a solution

updateDimensions = () => {
      width: window.innerWidth - 501,
      height: window.innerHeight - 50,

componentDidMount() {
    window.addEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions);
componentWillUnmount() {
    window.removeEventListener("resize", this.updateDimensions);

By storing the height and width in the state and updating them on the resize event, the issue was successfully resolved.

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