Tips for creating a horizontally expandable container that adjusts after overflowing

I am struggling to create a container that initially fills with text vertically, and then expands horizontally if needed. You can see what I mean in this diagram here: container_diagram

Just like shown in the image - the container has a fixed height that must remain constant. When the text inside overflows, I need the container to expand horizontally, but I'm not sure how to achieve this.

I have attempted various methods, such as using:

width: min-content

but it doesn't expand as desired (

width: fit-content

however, this option does not allow the text to fill the container vertically first (

Answer №1

#a {
  display: flex;


p {
  display: flex;
  padding: 10px;
  width: auto;
  border: 1px black solid;
  height: auto;
  word-break: break-word;

The styling in the first block targets an element identified by the ID a. It specifies that this element should be rendered using the display: flex property, allowing it to function as a flexible container.

In the second block of styles, all p elements (paragraphs) throughout the page are selected. These elements are styled with properties like display: flex, padding of 10 pixels, automatic width adjustment, a solid black border with a thickness of 1 pixel, automatically adjusting height, and the inclusion of word-breaking functionality to prevent content overflow within the element's boundaries.

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