Tips for creating a full-screen first page while keeping the others standard

Looking to create a dynamic HTML5/CSS/JS Website where the first page always displays in fullscreen mode with a background image, while the subsequent pages appear in a normal layout.

Here's an example of what I'm aiming for:

I've created a mockup to illustrate my vision:

Any suggestions on how to achieve this effect? I experimented with fullPage.js but had trouble integrating it with other pages.

Answer №1

That is not what we consider a "first-page".

In the code, <html> and <body> are both set to 100% height, causing the content to overflow out of the body.

The initial child in the list has a minimum height of 100% (equivalent to the parent's height, which itself is 100% of the browser's height).
The other children have heights defined by their content.

There are various approaches to achieving this result, including using position:fixed or position:absolute, among others.

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