Tips for creating a cohesive group of HTML elements within an editable area

Imagine having a contenteditable area with some existing content:

<div contenteditable="true">
    <p>first paragraph</p>
        <img width='63' src=''>
        <img width='63' src=''>
    <p>second paragraph</p>

If you try to navigate using the left/right arrow keys, the caret will move through all child elements. Check out this gif animation

The question is: how can you make the caret ignore child elements? Or in other words, how can you treat the two images inside as a single image? jsfiddle

Answer №1

Consider adjusting the <p> that contains the two images to a <div> with disabled content editing.

<div contenteditable="false">
    <img width='63' src=''>
    <img width='63' src=''>

Check out this demo -

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