Including code that is tailored specifically for the Internet Explorer browser on Windows Phone devices

While testing the Google Maps API on different browsers and devices, I encountered issues with Windows Phone. It turns out that Google Maps is not supported on Windows Phones, resulting in errors.

How can I set it up so that instead of displaying the map API on a Windows Phone, it shows an image of the map?

For example, on Windows Phone it should display:

<div><img src="map.png"></div>

But for other devices, it should utilize the API like this:

<div id="map_canvas"></div>

Thank you for your assistance!

Answer №1

If you want to identify the user agent, look for IEMobile

This is the agent used by Windows phone mobile devices.

Alternatively, consider implementing a boolean check to verify if the map functionality is working across all browsers to ensure comprehensive coverage in case of failure.

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