Tips for controlling design elements in ReactHow to effectively manage styling in

Currently, I am diving into the world of React and have noticed a significant amount of style changes being done within JavaScript. Traditionally, styles are managed through CSS files, but I am uncertain if this same practice applies to React. What is considered best practice for styling in React? For example, is the code snippet below clean, or does changing the style directly in the component raise concerns about code quality and signal that refactoring may be needed? If so, what would be a better way to refactor it?

“const Color = ({ title, color}) =>
    <section className="color">
        <div className="color" 
             style={{ backgroundColor: color }}>

Answer №1

Personally, I find it cleaner to link an external .css file for styling purposes. In cases where styles need to be kept in the .js file, I would structure the code like this:

const styles = {
color: 'red',
fontSize: '2rem',
backgroundColor: 'forestgreen'

To apply specific styles, I would do so as shown below:

<div style={{color: styles.color, fontSize: styles.fontSize}}></div>

If I needed to apply all styles at once:

<div style={styles}></div>

Answer №2

Our choices and needs greatly influence how we approach styling. Inline styles target specific components, allowing for a more organized approach to CSS. By structuring your CSS based on each component, you can make it more reusable. It's also possible to declare CSS within variables in your components or in a separate assets directory.

This concept is mainly about making code easier to read and reuse. With Webpack, all your CSS/SCSS can be compiled into a single file and then injected into your index.html. Consider exploring JSS to compile your CSS and easily inject it as props into your component. There are plenty of resources available to help with this process.

Answer №3

Another option is to utilize the power of styled components by visiting

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