I am currently working with a card that looks like this:
<Card className="m-5 border-0 shadow" style={styles.card}>
<Card.Img src={require("../assets/images/findingsPage/EnglishesOfTheWorld.jpg")} style={styles.cardImage} />
<Card.Title as="h1">Englishes of the World</Card.Title>
<Card.Text as="h4" style={styles.cardText}>
How do your grammar intuitions depend on when and where you learned English? Participants took a short grammar quiz, which we are using to understand how grammar differs in different parts of the English-speaking world (USA, Ireland, Australia, etc.). We are also investigating how grammar is different for people who learn English later in life: Do they make different mistakes if their first language is German as opposed to Japanese?
I am looking for a way to collapse part of the text if it exceeds the height of the card, similar to what is shown here:
Any suggestions or help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.